Some updates to the website

Things have been silent here for the past two weeks or so, but I have made some updates to this website in that time. I’ve got it arranged now so that the portfolio link at the top is a drop down menu, and each drop down selection leads to an individual section (e.g. “Illustrations” leads to a page just for illustrations, etc.).

And speaking of the portfolio, I’ve added some new stuff to it, so feel free to check it out.

Event Recap: Art Milwaukee Art Jamboree

Art Milwaukee recently had one of their monthly Art Jamboree’s, this time at Flux Design on Vienna Avenue, just south of Capitol Drive. I actually had a table near the entrance where I showcased and sold some stuff. Because I took so many photos and because there is a lot to talk about, I’m going to have to put the rest of this post below the fold.

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Lots of updates…

I’ve spent the last two days giving this site a major overhaul, namely appearance wise. Also, I’ve changed all the images so that they no longer bear a huge watermark of the url, as people have told me that it distracts from the art, and I agree. Finally, I’ve added another link to the links page, this time of Chris Giacinti, a freelance 3D animator and modeller whose work with zBrush is highly recommended. Check it out.