Yesterday, I went to the Steampunk and Robots opening reception at Artworks in Kenosha. Considering I had a piece in the show, I took a couple of pictures of the event. They are below.
Monthly Archives: January 2013
Cartooning How-to Class Recap
On January 11th, I taught a class over at Bucketworks in Milwaukee. It was a class on how to create cartoon characters. It was pretty much an easy-going class, considering I’m not like a professor or anything. I went over some of the basics of creating a cartoon character, as well as ways to create atmosphere for the character. Here are some of the drawings I made for the class:
Although only two people showed up, they seemed to have a pretty good time. I’m hoping next time will be even better. I might host another class within a month or so, so keep an eye on this page for news about that.
Update on Cartooning Class
Just wanted to inform you all that the class I’m teaching on how to make cartoon characters is coming up very soon on the 11th. If you want to sign up for it, click here. There is not a whole lot of time left. In the meantime for some other content, I’ve uploaded a new image to the Miscellaneous section of the Portfolio tab, plus these pictures I took last Friday at an art show at the Racine Arts Council.