Islands of Brilliance Write-up in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

A very brief, but somewhat exciting, update: a program I was a part of was featured in the May 28th, 2013 edition of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. While I was interviewed for the article, unfortunately none of my comments were featured. Still though, it would be worth reading about. Click the link below to see it.

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Free Comic Book Day coming up, plus some site news

Just wanted to let people know that Free Comic Book Day is coming up on Saturday, May 4th, so be sure to stop by the comic shops that day, pick up some comic freebies, and support independent creators like myself by buying our stuff while you’re there.

Also, I’ve made a few revisions to the site in the last couple of weeks. For example, I finally changed the color of the navigation bar; I got rid of Share & Follow, opting to instead put any links to follow me on my About page; and the big one: I’ve uploaded a plugin so that this site is now more mobile friendly. So if you’re using a smartphone, tell me what you think needs to be improved or what works on the mobile site.